Thursday, November 10, 2011

He's walking......

Last night 11/9/11, Maximus took his first steps. FINALLY!!! It was so exciting. Won't be long and he's going to be everywhere! Here's a video we took that night, couldn't actually capture the moment like we would of loved to have done. As soon as we got the camera out, he didn't really want to walk. Figures huh?

Monday, November 7, 2011


Here are 2 video's we took last week. Both are too adorable for words. Max loves music. I recorded Foster of The People on Ellen the other day (Dave's favorite song) and who new Max would love it just as much as Daddy.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

First Halloween

For obvious reasons we did not Trick-R-Treat this year. But..... we did go to the pumpkin patch, carve a pumpkin and wore our first Halloween costume. Our costume was an adorable monkey (thank you Aunt Julie). Can't wait until next year, when he is old enough to take out and enjoy it all !