Sunday, December 23, 2007

Costa Rica

Dave and I spent 10 lovely days in Costa Rica. We managed to get in a lot of relaxation, some fishing and exploring with friends. 2 of our friends (Bret and Paul) were also vacationing in Costa Rica, so we met up with them for a few days. Paul has some pictures that I don't and I'll be posting them sometime this week. Dave caught a 300 lb Marlin, we each caught a Sailfish. We also caught some Dorado's, and Dave caught a Rooster. We spent 6 nights at the beach and 4 nights in the rainforest (by the volcanoe). It was truly amazing.......

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Back to Oregon...

Well we're finally back in Oregon. Spent a few weeks in October hunting in Idaho. Dave shot a 4X5 buck (whitetail). He was pretty happy about that! We've just been spending the month since we've been home updating all the lodges brochures and websites. McDougall's website is done. You can view it at Been very busy!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bear visit...

This little guy visited me on the porch of Talaview Lodge a couple of days ago. I heard someone walk up on the porch and went over to the sliding glass door to see who was there.. Little did I know, it was a black bear. Hazel treed her first black bear thru the sliding glass door. We were so proud. HA,HA!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lodge Pictures

Talstar Lodge
Talvista Lodge

Talaview Lodge

Angel Haven Lodge

McDougall Lodge

Many of you have never even seen pictures of the new lodges. Here are some pictures of McDougall Lodge, Angel Haven Lodge, Talaview Lodge, Talvista Lodge and Talstar Lodge.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Random pictures this summer

I wasn't the best at emailing everyone pictures from the summer. So, I'm going to attach some random picture for viewing........

Monday, September 3, 2007

Larry Schoenborn fishes with Dave.....

For those of you who don't know Larry Schoenborn, he's a professional fisherman. One of Dave's idols. Larry produced/starred in "Fishing the West", a fishing showed that aired for 13+ years. He's been staying with us for 1 week, and will be here for another week. Dave's really enjoyed fishing with Larry, and still can't believe it's actually happening......

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Talaview Lodge with the girls!

Last week my sister brought up her girls to the lodge. We stayed at Talaview Lodge and had a great time. Fished everyday and saw lots of bears. The girls seemed to have a great time!! Now if we could only get Mikie to come up!!!